Ettinghausen Richard

Arab painting

Numéro d'article  10105423‎ ‎

20,50 EUR *
Contenu 1 pièce
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First edition published in 1962. Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (pages 193-195). [Pt. 1] EARLY PHASES OF THE PICTORIAL ARTS. The proclamation of universal power (the Umayyad Monuments, 691-750) ; The pleasures of the court (the early 'Abbâsid period, 9th to mid-12th century) ; The emergent awareness of the everyday world (Egypt and Iraq, 11th century) -- [Pt. 2] THE FLOWERING OF THE ART OF THE BOOK. General remarks on the manuscripts of the late 12th to the middle of the 13th century ; The princely style in the Persian manner ; Byzantine art in Islamic garb ; The Arab-Muslim contribution ; The interplay of cultural strains ; Fulfillment in Baghdad ; Life encompassed, I: the external world ; Life encompassed, II: the agonies of love -- [Pt. 3] THE BEGINNING OF THE END. The impact of the Mongol invasion ; The formalization of miniature painting in the Bahîr Mamlûk period (1250-1390) ; On styles and production centers ; The Turkish element in manuscript painting -- [Pt. 4] Koran illuminations from the late 9th to the 14th century -- [Pt. 5] THE FINAL PHASE. Last ventures in Arab painting.


D'occasion - Bon



Type d'articles

Livre - Couverture souple




Skira Rizzoli





208 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm Islamic painting. Islamic illumination of books and manuscripts. Text Ettinghausen, Richard. Arab painting. [Geneva?] : Skira ; New York : Rizzoli, 1977 Treasures of Asia.